Birth: Feb. 11, 1991
Name: Christofer Drew Ingle
Hometown: Joplin
State: Missouri
Associated Acts: Eatmewhileimhot/ Mister Owl
In living in a small mid-western town like Joplin Ingle decided he wanted more than every friday night at open mic at the local clubs. Created a Myspace under the name of NeverShoutNever! Then later decided that dropping the exclaimition point was the best thing to do. Slowly but surely he started to get known through Myspace and then more and more start to hear his music. After that he was stared on trl singing this single 'BigCityDreams'. Following a strict vegan diet on the road as well as at home shows the compassion Ingle has for animals. He toured with Forever the Sickest Kids, The Cab, Hellogoodbye. Never missing the upcoming summer Warped Tour Events Chris connects with his fans by simply just walking in the crowds and talking with bestanders that turn to his music in times of need. With his melody and carefully choosen words Ingle has created a world an escape for those few that have taken a little listen.
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